• MBBS, MD, DNB( Respiratory med.), FNB (Critical Care),MRCP,EDRM, FRCP, FACP, FCCP
  • MBA, MHA(Hospital Administration)
  • Interventional Pulmonologist, Adult Pulmonologist, Intensivist and Sleep Physicia at Rashid Hospital(Dubai Hospital)
  • Asso. Professor in Dubai Medical College

Welcome to the website of Dr. Mayank Vats, a highly respected Interventional Pulmonologist, Intensivist, and Sleep Physician.

Dr. Vats is currently serving as a Senior Specialist at Rashid Hospital in UAE, where he is also an Associate Professor at Dubai Medical College. With years of experience working at prestigious hospitals in India and the UAE, including Fortis, Escorts Hospitals, Zulekha, and Rashid Hospital, Dr. Vats is a trusted expert in his field.

With extensive training from the pioneers of interventional pulmonology in France, Italy, and Germany, Dr. Vats has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of interventional pulmonology and bronchoscopy. He has even established dedicated bronchoscopy labs in various hospitals he has worked for.

In addition to his expertise in pulmonology, Dr. Vats is also a fellow in sleep medicine and has undergone extensive training in sleep medicine at leading institutions in the United States. He is highly skilled in the management of all sleep-related disorders, including snoring, sleep apnea, obesity-related breathing sleep disorders, insomnia, and parasomnia, among others.

As a Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow, UK, as well as the American College of Physicians, Dr. Vats is recognized for his outstanding work in scientific research. He is also the recipient of the Saroj Jyoti Award for his achievements in the Indian Chest Society.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about Dr. Vats and his services, and we look forward to serving you.

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Memberships & Honors

Research & Published Articles

Dr vats have more than 150 international and national publications in indexed peer reviewed journals to his credits including many articles co-authored with the renowned cardiac surgeon Dr Naresh Trehan and Dr Yatin Mehta, including many peer reviewed articles, original research,case reports, review articles and chapters published in international books and journals. Read More

Awards & Honors

Dr Vats has received many accolades over the time for his research in the field of Asthma, Intesive Care, TB, COPD while working to provide better healthcare to the community.

Saroj Jyoti Award
(President Medal of Indian Chest Society)
NAPCON 2002 (National Conference of NCCP) for paper presentation entitled “Factors Leading to Default from DOTS” under RNTCP
Best Paper Award at International Critical Care Congress- 2005
(11th Annual Conference of ISCCM)
for paper presentation entitled “Prevention of Postoperative Atelectasis in the Post-Cardiac Surgical Patient with Poor Left Ventricular Function: A study of the Efficacy of BiPAP”
Certificate of Honour- ACBICON 2003
Jaipur (National Conference of Clinical Biochemists of India)
Best research paper award in Indian Science Congress 2002 Lucknow
for paper entitled “Renal Amyloidosis among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients”

Social Responsibility

Dr Vats belives in giving back to the society by regularly (twice / month) organising asthma /COPD/ Sleep diseases camps to provide FREE services (diagnosis/treatment/education) to underprivileged community. He is associated with oraganizations working towards creating a healthier future.

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